Wednesday 25 April 2018


Looking at the progress of the new expansion from the Alpha server news, I'm not being won over.

Things like putting everything on the global cooldown don't sound good at all. 
That change will kill the fun from gameplay. This change could be even worse than removing the bulk of utility abilities, then bringing most back, then changing them again.
The reality of that for a my ice mage would see him cast a frost bolt and try to follow it immediately with an ice lance, something that used to be satisfying and immediate but will now have to wait... literally. The game needed a slower form of combat but this change will feel like waiting for an elevator.
Or my hunter not able to use any ability straight after disengage.... That sucks!

BellularGaming did a good informative video:

Another concern is voiced perfectly in the new video from Taliesin & Evitel. Warfronts being the expansion activity are looking a lot like Garrison Invasions. Something I did a few times myself and then never touched again... Details from that video here.

Still a lot of questions and answers and probably more questions all yet to come....

Could WoW classic be an alternative?

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