Saturday 28 April 2018


I got to potter about in Stat Trek Online a bit today. No great aim just meandering character hopping enjoyment; Which did include the usual admiralty missions on each.

I took my main to the Captains Table, to take a look for himself. The nebula is just outside Earth Spacedock.

Get near the nebula and you get an option to warp in; And there it is. 

It was empty of players bar myself and one other (he was afk). I took a wander around and decided it was just as good to be on Earth Sapcedock. While there may be NPC's closer together to save time; They are NPC's I dont' use often....
So the real hook to stay on the normal station is seeing the other players as well as the general chat....

I also got to take my main to do the third day in the weekend event.
The best run of the three day's, the pick up group got to level 7 where we were swatted like bugs. A valiant effort for a bunch of random players with no communication.

I claimed the console with the vouchers and relogged and got it on my new character.

I also decided on an outfit set while on that new character, a generic one for all the officers based on the Veteran upper and Intel lower. I think it worked out well.

It's been interesting to see the number of players as the new expansion races. This game gives a lot for free and people buy a lot  as well. It's a quirky but balanced game. A lot of give and take on all sides.

The more I think about that the more I think about Eve Online and how CCP are all take take take... Like the 15th anniversary and the discount sub sale offer, getting players to pay for the sub in order for them to quality for the anniversary Battleship "giveaway"....

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