Thursday 19 April 2018

Eve Online....

The joy's of over-thinking....

F.Y.I. Yet more ranting waffle.....

When people rant on saying Eve is dead I've started to take it as Their Eve is dead. 
I'd say there is a large turnover of player numbers, more than CCP say. Whats that phrase.... Lies, damn lies and statistics.

My Eve died a long time ago as my friends lists and inactive corp members lists show. So I'm left pushing around inedible scraps, the remains of what was a hearty meal on my plate. I'm starving!
The more CCP pushes away the long term elements of the game the more it makes me wonder what Eve will be shaped into in a year or two.


I know CCP was winding down the size of fanfest in favour of more events around the world but still this years 15th anniversary fanfest was underwhelming on the celebration front.

Never mind that alphas won't be gifted the new 15th Anniversary Battleship gift, you know to use with their new ability to use battleships.....


The more I think of Eve Online and Fanfest just gone, the more I see that CCP had moved the game so far away from what I like it's not funny. It hasn't been fun for me in some time. They have traded longterm player investment in the game for short term monetary gain. Changing the effort and dedication of players over years for a quick right here and now price(a better quarterly profit)....

The more I hear about news from fanfest the more I'm put off the game. The introduction of the Triglagian "Dungeons" is being done in such an unPvE manner. Amazing how CCP uses and chooses what is Eve and Eve like when it suits them. The dungeon gate access being restricted to cruisers is a perfect example. T1 cruiser have access, faction cruisers has access, T2 cruiser has access but T3 cruiser do not have access.... No T3 cruisers in the name of 'balance'. If that was true they wouldn't let marauders into L4 missions!?! I dont' see CCP leading that charge. If a player can be OP in other area's of the game why not this one. Like I said amazing how CCP uses and chooses what is Eve and Eve like when it suits them.
The new dungeons may be solo content, they may be considered "sandbox PvE" and it may be considered for all player types Omega and Alpha. BUT so are the frigate burner missions.
Those burner missions are so popular(sarcasm) that CCP didn't add the mission reject cooldown. So you can reject them all day long (I did). It's not engaging content if the content kicks your ass with it's O.P. ships and tactics. It's a niche specialisation. Yet they are pushing it as generalised content for all. Annoying.

What is also annoying is that they kept referring to the new dungeons as a test bed for content! Why have a test server if your experimenting with content/A.I. with live players and their assets; Whats the test server for!


Hold space and build stations for years and get no credit, attack a long term holder to rob them of that space and those stations and get a permanent in game monument. That pisses me off. CVA space held for years and years has been invaded for the stations. The monuments should have been for the longest holders of the space/station.


I'm not a fan of the new module enhancement system at all. I dont' see how CCP could introduce it. They have spent years on balance tweaking. How can this new system be anything other than a cannon ball dive in the middle of a pool. How can you balance something that is random. The null sec alliances will be working overtime on massive production chains to pump out these new modules. If that's not game breaking I don't know what is.


Fossie said in the presentation that he was toying with the idea that war decs could be applied only to parties that have deployed stations etc.... How cool would that be, fixing one of the biggest problems in the game gets a bit thumbs up..... DO IT!

Taking that a stage further; Imagine if all players safety switches in hi-sec were locked to safe on entry(Bar war-decs). Are the fearsome PvPers so afraid of hi-sec locking them into being "green" that they will loose their minds... Do the Empires of Eve really have no power!
That change alone would bring so many more people into the game!


On a far flung aside, the current VR sale on steam lists two games I'd consider to be rivals. I wonder if the companies get set the sale value....? 

My own opinion is that I bet CCP arrogance didn't even ask/check what rival games were on sale and at what discount. 

Too harsh?

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