Thursday 2 March 2017

Rome Total War....

I'm in the 'too late' stage of the game with my Armenian playthrough. The stage where the usual player would have had victory and moved on. So I have to ask myself how much more fun can I have with so few factions left. Those that are in the game are either limited and/or stagnating due to the massive size of their empires. The Brutii (light green) and Carthage (White) are larger than they can manage so have slowed so much their waring armies are both akin to two guys in a field cursing at one another. Likewise the Iberians and British but too small now to feild anything really powerful. The storm I feared from the Brutii never came. The Julii (red) are ignoring everything and hunkered down. The Egyptians seem to be troubled with keeping their own lands and are plagued by rebels.

I've still using a lot of assassinations along with diplomacy to keep my lands my own and even without a land grabbing policy I've still 'had' to take and keep two island provinces. I could easily take the 2 Persian (pink) provinces north of my territory (dark green) but that would be against my main rule of not being expansionist(only when it suits).

So in a way I've outlasted my rivals despite not really fighting battles with grand armies. Victory? Just a few more turns.....

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