Sunday 12 March 2017

Darkest Dungeon....

I'm in a tough spot with my current roster of expendables. It's a combination of bad quirks, disease, stress and a horrific set of recent dungeon runs. In an effort to do the final part of the Darkest Dungeon I took a crew and failed to recheck the tactics needed. They failed spectacularly one stage one.

So I am left with the roster I mentioned at the start, beaten and bruised in more way than I can shake a stick at. The crew I would need to take in to do the job, need to be levelled up from new level 1's. To get them to level 6 successfully and in good order will take a while and a lot of luck. It's a good thing I have a lot of gold. The bad news is that I have 16 game weeks/turns to do it in. I may have to see what new recruits of a higher level wander into town....

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