Friday 31 March 2017

WoW, Not so much now....

The initial joy for my 'new and improved' post patch warlock has droped like a lead weight. The dull thud was apparent from the off during some guild run mythic's.
My guild mates are always well geared and post patch they seem to have thrived.
Doing 14% dps (with buff's) in a 5 man mythic, that's well below the par.
I don't advocate the grind. Especially with this expansion/patch. But this patch seems to have shifted the odds. It was a shock to me. The first real test of my lock post 7.2 patch.

The last few expansions I've been a casual player but did well enough to stay useful and helpful in damage output. This expansion is doing nothing to make me want to apply a lot of time to the grind. This patch now changes WoW's current iteration into a more dedicated gaming affair with no real room for gearing up as a casual trying to be competitive in higher levels.
There seem few ways to get decent gear without the grind. Not even with helpful guild run mythics/mythic+ and raids. The game now has me feeling like I should walk away from trying to better the lock, that there is no catching up.

What a change a day makes.

Back to faffing around with levelling characters and gz'ing guildmates as they get achi's from grinding 24/7.

Patch 7.2 Content Guide: Overview of All The New Content You Can Do 

Legion Patch 7.2: How To Unlock Flying & Grind Armies of Legionfall Rep 

Patch 7.2 Content Guide: Overview of All The New Content You Can Do


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