Thursday 30 March 2017


I haven't been in Minecraft properly for a while. It may not be the 'in' thing to do but I really enjoy just faffing about within the base game. A bit of crafting, bit of building. some exploration, mining and combat only when I need to. That's not to say that I don't keep informed about the changes and updates.
My original saved world may be a relic of the past map generation but it houses a lot for me. Nothing fancy or on a grand scale.

Minecraft has moved on in so many way's since those earliest day's.
In becoming more complex and by adding so many new mobs, blocks, recipe's, techniques, it in most ways has changed for the better and in other ways I feel has lost something.

Those early day's had more mystery and wonder. That wonder was simply because there wasn't that much in the game and it wasn't too complex to figure crafting out.
The 'what happens if' was easier to do. What if I try to combine this block with that one in this order has been lost. Where you could in earlier versions be a jack of all trades, you now need to be a specialist (builder, redstone). Today you need a wiki lookup just to see what order to combine items before you set about enchanting etc. Because you can't keep it all in your head.
Then again I'm not taking the game seriously, it's not the one and only game I play so I dont' need it all in my head.
Is the magic gone or is it still the game you make of it. A bit of both I think.

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