Sunday 26 March 2017

Hitman... Sapienza The Icon Mission Mastery completed.

After my previous post I spent a bit of time to work through the opportunities and have thankfully competed the remaining challenge. 

I found that there was one opportunity that was marked as complete but I now know I never completed the very first step properly of 'An Explosive Ending'. While I had come across this opportunity well into a playthrough and as such it had not been "formally" discovered.
The very start of this opportunity was one I had missed completely.

You need to start off with the film crew disguise, easy to get at the start.

Make your way to the barriers and the entrance at the main set area.
There you will see a studio trailer.

Make your way over to it, low and behold you can open the side door.
Once your near enough to it you'll see the light bulb icon for an opportunity inside.

On the table are a set of instructions, the manual for the pyrotechnics.

Interact with it and you'll be given the tracking pointers for the opportunity, where to go and with what etc... Easy stuff once you know the level.

Once I ran it again and competed it I was granted the overall achievement.
In some ways it's weird that it would allow you to jump into the opportunity at any stage and complete the opportunity achievement without seeing this, yet not complete the overall achievement. Finicky but done.

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