Friday 10 March 2017

Devil in the detail....

My current playthough of the second mission, Sapienza has made me realise even more how much effort has gone into the details of the game inhabited by Agent 47.

Like a background prop on a store stand in the Icon mission, a jigsaw with 4700 pieces.

Or if you bump into some civilians and they ask you to act your age.... "what are you, 46, 48?".

Spoiler warning.....

One section of the main targets routine takes him through his private work area.
There is a projector screen as well as a VHS player. Also within this work area/auditorium/observatory is a VHS tape you can take and play on it. Long story short this changes the main targets emotional state when seen and as part of other actions can have a greater effect on the target.

That alone is a lot of effort for such a small section of an area that many people will never see, investigate or may ignore altogether.

What I want to comment on really is the video on the tape that you play. Specifically the song that it plays.

The images on the tape are that of the main targets childhood but the song is rife with comedy and nuance both to the game and to the music that must have inspired the song.

On first hearing the song I was a bit puzzled but in the middle of a game I was more interested in my current actions. But me being me I wanted to get a more in depth listen.

A youtuber did a good job to get the music and did up some lyrics in his description. I've added and changed the lyrics to show what I feel is a better match for the words used. Not that there is much of a change.

The song:



I put 47 spices in the pasta and it still tastes like ashes in my mouth

I hang my head and cry when I think of spaghetti bolognese that you've made for us both

that summer night in Napoli with the ally cats serenading our love

Now I prowl the streets around your house like a beast in the night you are all that I'm thinking of


I stand outside your window pleading


Won't you hear me, won't you see


I'm begging you come back to me


I follow you, I'm watching you


Come back to me or I will find 47 ways to make you mine

The taste of wine turns bitter on my tongue

There were candles burning when we made love

I see you lighting candles now as you feed the peasant whose dirty hands soiled the table cloth


I watched that swine drink to his fill


Get rid of him or I swear I will


I'm begging you come back to me


I follow you, I'm watching you


I'm seeking you, thinking of 47 ways to make you pay

I'm no Italian speaker so I've only used goggle translate to help me here. In trying to listen to the lyrics it's the little differences.

RITORNA A ME  = Back to me
RITORNA DA ME = Return to me

Open to interpretation, like I said I'm not a speaker of the language.

There is a 50's song called Ritorna a me

But also Dean Martin did a version of the song.

Like I said above, there's a lot of detail and thought on so many levels for such a small portion of a mission that not many people will ever see, hear or pay attention to...... What a game.

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