Thursday 23 March 2017

Multi in Andromeda....

I don't even remember ever looking at the multiplayer option of Mass Effect 3.  Andromeda's in comparison is superior, or so I have read. From what I've seen the multiplayer is both a.i. squad based PVE and co-op PVE. Both are up against waves of enemies. Horde mode rather than straight up traditional PVP multiplayer. I like it already.

MEA's multiplayer horde mode has made the game look a lot more appealing to me, more so than the solo campaign coverage I've see so far.
There is no immersion break in regard to the animations during the fast action combat of this multiplayer mode.
Seeing the multiplayer combat in action has made mee view the combat dash and jetpack in a new light.
Randomised daily maps seem to be the way they want to keep interest going. Along with player made custom maps with lots of randomisation options and modifiers to make a match more interesting.

I love the franchise and I want the game to be great but even with this new information and more good points, I think I'll still be waiting a while to get this game.

They do seem to be addressing some of the issues brought up since launch.

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