Sunday 5 March 2017

No Man's Sky....

I've not been back to the game in a long time. One quick look at the foundation update and that was it. What's prompting me to write is that Sean Murray has resurfaced....

The best quote from that article "Murray's math was light years off." In more ways than one says I. That quote was for the anticipated number of concurrent players on the games launch. All I can do is shake my head and wonder how the company didn't know how many people had bought the game. 200,000 is not a small number you can ignore. Unbelievable.

While I am bitter and/or salty about the game/game company not to mention the lack of information/silent running; There are people that are very favourable to the game. From that point of view a good read is:

And to see what others are up to in game, twitch:'s%20Sky/videos/all

People are playing the game but with an average of less than 500 people over the last 30 day's, Hello Games needs to get their finger out to bring back the other 200,000+

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