Sunday 5 March 2017

More Rome Total War....

A few turns later and there are yet more provinces (the light grey colour) that have revolted from their I'm surprised by Iberia (brown) as they dont' have a large empire. I had thought that Carthage and Egypt were so large that their new lands were too far away from their capitol and so had less influence, Iberia disproves that.
I'm continuing this playthrough out of curiosity to see how the A.I factions manage themselves.
While lands have been lost, the Brutii retook a province from their north border. And the Egyptians both lost and retook provinces.
The provinces within the red boarder are in rebellion and is filled with rebel, Egyptian, Carthaginian and Brutii armies of various sizes. An interesting no man's land of conflict has brewed up. Which is a nice change from the eerie quiet.
Another interesting province is the Briton (blue) province that was taken from Iberia at the start of the game. The Iberians and Romans (Julii) have sent sizable armies to fight and take the town. But it has withstood the test of time. There are a number of leaders in the city (so say my spies) so I know that the A.I. is making their lesser forces count for more in defence.

....One more turn?

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