Friday 28 July 2017

Battlefield 1....

I was tempted to try a PC trial version of Battlefield 1. Straight up although I've played a few hours I won't be getting the game, that's not to say I haven't enjoyed my time. I'll play out the remaining time of the trial or at least most of it. But it is expensive to buy. The game, add on's or season pass and then a few other DLC/content shortcut packs and your talking well into the €150 ish range.

Unlike my time in BF4 I'm late to the BF1 party, so as a newborn noob, a newborn trial noob at that; I'm massively behind in the gear curve. I can confirm that by the large exotic, perked up range of weapons I've been killed with.

I've been in a wide range of matches, wins, defeats and some fun one on one moments. Shooting horse mounted enemies with a machine gun is extremely satisfying. What strikes me as a real winner is the change of platform, all my other Battlefield games have been on an xbox 360. This PC trial allowing greater numbers of players per match as well as a proper way to accurately control aiming makes me wish I'd have gone to PC with more of the BF shooters. That's a whole other story that would fill volumes.

Battlefield 1 is a great game, in looks and gameplay balance. Despite my being a newborn I wasn't as frustrated as in other games when getting one shotted from behind. I've been getting decent games, or at least it feels that way. For once I felt more drawn to the multiplayer side before the solo campaign.

I also like the way they have integrated the main menu to have a tab system to switch between the different games, BF1, BF4, Hardline etc. Again this is the first of the PC version(s) I've seen so it may be an old feature but it is one I really like.

If I end up getting this game when it's cheaper it may be too late as the next version of BF will be out and the playerbase will have moved on.

On a side note it's interesting to me to see that BF4 on the Xbox has no players where BF 2 still has a large enough playerbase. Snipers with arti binoculars in BF2 must have been the real winner ;-p

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