Saturday 15 July 2017

E.T. and Thailand....

The latest Elusive Target is out. The target scenario isn't as complicated as I had thought it would've been, especially for the final one of the season.

The main target is noticeable from a distance and found even more easily when overhearing a conversation in the market.
While I did the same for the secondary target as the video below I didnt' do the door trick, I opted for the non suit, non silent assassin route. I went up the drains and roof tops to be behind the target and other NPC's. Then went quickly with a silenced pistol and head shot my way from one to the other. Back down the drainpipe and out the gate exit.

 Either way it ended the way I wanted it... Completed.

For the rest of my time in Hitman I've been completing the Bangkok challenges. Progress and fun.
Like most of the maps there is a music track of note:

For the full story in Bangkok this is worth a look:
Hitman: Thailand - The Full Story video from Many A True Nerd

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