Monday 3 July 2017


The last two day's have been interesting in my STO happenings.

I did the last summer event daily I needed to claim the T6 Vorgon Ryn'kodan Carrier. In size it's by far the largest ship I have on any character. I'm more comfortable with it's smaller winter event escort cousin.
To make the carrier work I'd need a fit and I've slacked off on doing any research on what I'd need and how to get them. In truth I'm not that pushed to fit it out. All my current max level characters have good ships that do the job and have been working well. I'm not sure I need to rock this boat unless I can get the gear to really make it a monster. I did always want a dedicated Engineering ship but the carrier is a bit of overkill.
The Kobayashi Maru mini event is interesting. There are organised groups that are running it properly but I'm solo so doing it with a pick up group is the only way I can go. As such it is done in the pug way, brute force and ignorance. DPS all the things and so far it's worked well enough to get the job done. I've gained two vouchers to apply to the reputation but with today being the last day to do the event I am one short to be able to claim the rewards. I'll keep the rep listed and maybe if the event happens again I'll get to complete it.

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