Tuesday 11 July 2017

Hitman.... Moving on from Marrakesh....

I made a last push to complete the remaining challenges. Of the last parts to be done The Lupei Sensitivity proved to be a more run of the mill "challenge". For me all sense of moderation went out the window. I needed to complete it faster and get it done and dusted. This lead me on to being more aggressive than usual, there was not a silent assassin in sight but I did enjoy the mass mayhem. Long story short I solved all problems with a silenced pistol.
 Progress was made.

Once all were done I had one more thing to do, to redo an opportunity I thought I'd completed. I must have missed a step when I originally did it. But once completed it lead to the overall challenge being awarded.

Marrakesh by the numbers, 123/123.

With Marrakesh complete I've made a start on the the next location, Bangkok.
Already I'm feeling that Agent 47's stay is going to be a more comfortable fun experience.

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