Monday 31 July 2017

Eve Online....

Both my "main" Alpha accounts (PvP and PvE) are doing nothing but skilling up alt haulers that don't need those skills to haul. I can't get into any activities with them and when I do start I seem to almost immediately stop.

Eve Online overall has been distilled down to an inactive wait.  I've shelved everything else bar those two accounts and my older trial Amarr character.

I've finished off that Amarr Alpha's rep grind. All I need to do is wait for his skills to max out and then finalise his gear and ships and that will be another finished book on the shelf.

Overall I've got a PvE character I could be working with. A PvP character I could start doing something with. And on the long finger (long long long finger) three alphas I could run as ninjas.
As I've said before it comes down to time and effort but more and more I need to get the motivation to actually try and put time and effort in. That's a me thing as much as the game itself.


The Agency is not worth doing, the rewards are no incentive, you can make more profit running level 3's for the same amount of time than doing anything the agency would want you to do.

The in development video showed whats being worked on. Like most things it's hard to keep all the people happy all the time (like me). The constant polish and graphical work is always welcome. It's always nice to see a better looking game.  Quality of life changes? I'm sure they will be good. There is nothing else that affects my game time let alone anything that would make me want to pay for the privilege.

The Tech 3 cruisers still worked out well fit wise but not having a paid character to fly and test makes me wonder how they would work in combat but I'm not wondering that much.

Pirate shipyards and a new pirate capital etc.... Not for a solo carebear so I've no interest.

Moon mining again an activity for the big player groups in Eve, or high end subbed solo players... I don't care about it.

Exo Planets... I dont' care about the activity and can buy the reward skins off the market.

Alliance tournament.... again big group stuff that I've never had any interest in watching ./ignore

Captains quarters are going and I hope they will be back in a form that really means walking in stations.


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