Monday 3 July 2017

Darkest Dungeon....

The crimson curse is a massive pain in the backside for my characters. I've been letting those that have been cursed degrade.
If they get new negative quirks or diseases I've not properly treated them as non infected characters are getting preference. I don't want the cursed mixed with the non infected in buildings as they would spread the disease.

I fully intend to keep all the characters as 90% are all max level 6's and I've put in a lot of work to get them that way. Gear, skills and upkeep never mind the nostalgia of their survival.

I like that the new epic quest version of a dungeon saves your progress.

The expansion imho is hard but it's not 'unfair', RNG is still king and the learning curve is steep. That can lead to some players anger and rage quits. 
In my opinion it's a game that's not meant to be rushed. I watched a streamer who was 25 hours into the expansion and mentioned that he felt after the 25 hours he had only scratched the surface. I agree. This is a long haul game.

I did a bit of a culling with my heirlooms and converted what I needed to be able to build The Red Hook. Just because it was the last thing I can build.

I've found it hard with this run to not collect gold and crests etc. I've built and upgraded everything and with the bank bonus giving 25k interest per turn, the interest covers everything in expenses. So I have to need to gather anything besides trinkets.

Like the bank the Sanguine Vintners is keeping my stocks of blood vials plentiful, for now at least. 

I've yet to run into The Fanatic, from what I've seen elsewhere it will not be a good encounter for any of my crew.

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