Wednesday 12 July 2017

GRW.... Pre Season 3....

The latest challenge is a redo of the Yeti challenge, one I've never done.

Thankfully I had the good sense to look it up on youtube and found this guide:

So off I went a'huntin for the Yeti.

The guide is quick and easy to follow and before long I had spawned the Yeti

Unfortunately for me I tried to add a Yeti kill to the community challenge, which failed spectacularly. 8 shotgun rounds to his back at a close range did nothing. So after a respawn I went and sniped the sniper. One dead Yeti.

I've also been going through a lot more ambush and base clearing to level through the Tier system.

I've not found it a grind, there are random elements that keep you on your toes. The increase in difficulty as you level adds to this.

Despite being given a reward of a very powerful sniper rifle I've stuck with all three of my main weapons.

After viewing the Yeti video from Carbon Meister I saw his latest video that mentions Ubisoft are planning a free update that brings PVP to the game. Interesting:

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