Sunday 23 July 2017


Heli, o heli, where art thou my 'classic' heli. The 'new' controls are definitely designed for console game owners or those that play the pc version with a controller (very weird).

I've been changing lots of options again.. After turning off the controller option and turning the heli sensitivity down to 10% the heli in 'new' mode is so arcadey it makes me want to vomit. Making the controls 'classic' does nothing to change the way the heli works and it's frustrating as fffffffffff**k.
If only it would return to the way it was. It's so bad that it's a disincentive to playing the game.

Of the game I have been playing my main is observing some strange post patch activity. Like trucks getting stuck in the road. They may be easy pickings but still....

My second character, my smg/lmg play through is stalled as heli's are the best way to move and I dot' want to spend 20 minutes driving somewhere. Heli's in their current condition .... well you get the point. Insert profanity here, here, here and here.

The Witch Easter Egg in the game is interesting, both in the locations and what it may be leading to. Not to mention the "hilarity" of how to fly a helicopter in classic mode when it feels like frustrating 'new' mode, mumble, mumble.... Did I mention that before.....

Getting to see the witches hut, seeing the birds fly away, activating the three alters where they land and then trying to do the sacrifice.  

I say trying because at the max game difficulty due to the Tier system, the sacrifice one shots me when I get near.... flashbangs more flashbangs..... all the flashbangs..... He must have earplugs and special sunglasses....
Good video's done by Carbon Meister are a condensed version of the community information, worth the watch....

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