Wednesday 19 July 2017

STO... Endeavouring

Logging back into STO after today's maintenance downtime I got to see the new featured episode which was fun to play. The voice acting of the original actors was a major help to the immersion. It played out fast and like I said fun. General Martok got to have some heroic moments (This is Sparta style) and the player rewards were worth it. They may be of more use on my lesser geared Science and Engineering characters than the character I did the episode on. My Tactical captain left me pondering the pro's and con's of changing the engineering console but I opted to leave him with what he had.

The new Ferengi admiralty campaign looks to be interesting, noting really new in the way it works. An extra source of Dilithium is always welcome.

It would've been very interesting if it had been a Latinum reward instead with a better store to spend it in. I also hope that along the way you start to get Ferengi ships for the fleet... I've not done any real research in to it so am hoping to be pleasantly surprised. So far it's been Federation ships.

The Endeavour system was interesting, I expected to have to do more but it was a list of one thing. I'm my case today, kill 15 Borg Ships.  The Endeavour is per account, not per character, so select your character carefully just in case you get a bound reward.I started by leaving the Sol system I got into a Red Alert but missed out on a lot of kills as it was just ending when I got into it. With a 30 minute cooldown on the Borg encounters I decided to go off and do the Featured episode. Once that was done I queued up for a proper Borg Red Alert to complete the "daily".

The new daily system is short and sweet, quick and easy. Do it and get rewarded. Minimum effort for minimum reward.  No grinding of points to work towards a reward. This is going to get me back to the game more often than I would have otherwise. I like it and look forward to more.

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