Monday 3 July 2017


My progress in Hitman is slowing not least due to other games but mainly because of the more convoluted challenges. I've really really enjoyed the previous maps, Paris and Sapienza. I was not enamoured with Marrakesh but with familiarity it's grown on me.

I've been ongoing in it's challenge completion. Some are easy, most are complex. The challenges I dislike the most are those that require self or community made contracts to complete. Thankfully the game has been out over a year and the contracts needed are plentiful. If you select a contract to help complete a challenge you first need to work out what way that person intended the contracts objectives to be completed. That really needs you to know the maps really well.

One achievement I needed was to kill 5 targets with a thrown axe while disguised as the fortune teller. The contract I chose was simple enough 5 targets along one street with few patrolling guards or civilians. Plus the axe needed was in a shop at the start of that street. Sounds like you go get the disguise then get the axe and work your way down the street. The problem for me was that as the start of the street where the axe is located is by far the more crowded. Once you have the axe and are seen it's a lot harder to complete the rest of the contract being hunted and then make your way to an exit.
What did work for me was to alter how to do the start. Guards can carry weapons openly so I added in a step where I got a guard uniform carried the axe to the other end of the street and hid it behind a well. Then went and got the fortune tellers outfit and made my way back to the axe. This worked out well(haha?) a lot better as the first three kills are all quiet kills that are hidden just by falling where they were.
I'm wasn't looking to add in the extra challenge of not being spotted and so for the final two kills in the market area I just went as quick as possible for the kills and ran straight to the exit.
Job done and challenge completed.

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