Thursday 6 July 2017


The latest patch (Title 5) brought a new progression system with it that has made my "main" a lot more playable on the campaign map again. I've been enjoying activities mainly solo and for the fun. Setting up ambushes and attacking and clearing bases. But I've reached a point where it will be faster to gain points by helping others in their missions. With his progression quickly counting down to Tier 1 I may have to make that character my new co-op character. My old co-op grey man alt will more than likely be stuck into hibernation. If the new system was intentionally designed to make experienced players join with lower levels, it's doing it with me.

Most of the rewards in the new system are cosmetic. Like a new red shemagh that looks grey on my character.... Hmmmm

I've also been doing the next solo challenges for yet more cosmetic gear my character will never wear.

The fun goes on....

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