Saturday 7 October 2017

Alpha's 2.0....

Waffling rant ahead.....

Version 2 of Alpha clones looks to use cash for skill unlocks. The faction specific nature of Alpha's is to be removed and access to Battlecruisers, Battleships, T2 small and medium weapons is to be allowed. I liked the way that Alpha's were faction specific with limited options, allowing the use of ships like the Gnosis as the only way to improve. No surprise then that the unlock is for cash. Cash grabbing CCP gets in the way of theory crafting a way for V1 Alpha's to use T2 options, not to mention a SoT Battleship. It would have been nice to see version 1 Alpha's get a big brother for the Gnosis.
It's a pay to unlock skills scheme I dont' like. Once unlocked skills are permanently available. This move opens up a whole new area for tinfoil hat wearing/chewing, game/ccp loving/hating speculation. We are way beyond Alpha's being a replacement for trials now.

Funny how I mentioned the CCP cash grab attitude earlier this month.....

So this is Alpha 2.0, pay to play with 20 million SP, unlock and keep them. Next up? 30 million SP and T2 Large weapons? What's the cut off point?
Alpha's version 1 is small, limited and meant to be that way for a reason... a trial. So that you pay to play and skill up. Version 2.0 is a step too far in my view. Once again screwing over the players that have stayed with the game longterm.

With Eve Vegas ongoing I'm sure more details will be forthcoming...

I love and hate this game, I love and hate the community, mostly because it's a game and a community that is so polarising on so many levels. That in itself is a love/hate relationship. One thing I truly do hate is the cash grabbing nature of CCP, just in case you didnt' get that vibe from what I've typed so far.... 

It's all personal perspective... I've been invested (literally) in the game right up until the last year when enough was enough. I've never accepted that my cash has just paid for the enjoyment of the moment.

What do these changes new mean for my current crop of Alpha's... Nothing, I wont' be buying gametime to unlock the next 15 million skills. My higher level characters will have access to some ships and gear..... But..... But....

My problem with Eve/CCP is that the potential is great but the implementation is lacking. The changes to the game for that is implemented opens up more potential but with years of hope/potential/implementation cycle

Even looking at the new trailer for Lifeblood, my first reactions to what was being shown to many of the features was "not interested in that". It's way more Industry based than PvE. Than again CCP's view of PvE is 'screwed'. For a PvE expansion it says more about Industry with a PvP overtone than anything else. I've no hope for the outcome of the expansion being a better PvE experience for the game as a whole. CCP always takes ideas, applies their logic to warp (pun intended) that idea into an Eve Online bastardised version that is all kinds of screwed; With an end product that looks nothing like the original idea's goals, which in turn can be left the game untouched for years. Walking in stations anyone....

I could waffle on but you get the idea..... 

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