Monday 16 October 2017


I wish I had some sort of exciting news from my gametime in GRW, but it's been an unorganised mess. It has seemed that once I attempted to do something RNG or just blind bad luck would twist what I was doing to make it unwindable. Like going to tag a convoy once it was 'safe' only to get run over by a civilian car and because of that, have the game reset it as a fail, which in turn respawns you at the nearest base loosing the chance to claim the prize...  

There was still some mass carnage demolition derby.... Stress relieving and fun enough to pass some time...

Enough resources were obtained to finish off the damage upgrades to the Tier reward sniper rifle.

I've been thinking about starting the upgrade on the Tier (level 5) assault rifle reward but in fairness I'm not going to use it. I'd rather see and upgrade a weapon I've used in the past... For now that may be the G36C.... But I've not decided fully on it yet.

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