Sunday 8 October 2017

Eve Online....

I've been trying to catchup with the Eve Vegas video's and it's interesting stuff. But interesting in a more quizzical way...... 

CCP partnering with other development studio's?! That's a break from the norm.

It's good to hear that Project Nova is being developed and news will be "out soon". But I have no faith in the game that CCP will push out and really no faith that it will be free nor that it will be worth paying for. That's my CCP cynical outlook. Besides the quality of free games in a similar genre is outstanding, can CCP compete?.

Eve Aurora - Eve 'simplified' for mobile devices..... Strange. It's the Eve mobile app (portal) gone on a mad tangent of a curve. It's not even linked to Eve Online.... And your a space station.... The first thought at the detail of this game is why should I invest time/effort and no doubt cash in this game when it takes time away from the main game. This may be great for non Eve Online mobile gamers but for main game players?

Mining is not PvE.
Structures are not PvE
I'm not sold on Resource Wars - It's not available for all because I think it will be quickly taken over by groups like those that do incursions (elitists) and for anyone left (solo carebears) you'll be gank material.
'Accessibility and fun' is not PvE when described as 'fueling the fire of conflict'.
The agency is a wildcard and really depends on the "events" it brings. So far it's been more miss than hit for me.

I've already waffled about the Alpha changes, here is the  Alpha talk.....  The reasoning for the changes still smells like crap to me, mainly because you still have to pay for the initial upgraded Alpha privilege! Selling smaller chunks of training time eh!?! CCP Cha ching!

I'm not seeing a lot to keep me active in game let alone subscribe.

I looked forward to a dedicated expansion for PvE, what is coming is an expansion that's mostly Industrial with changes and updates to game systems for all players. And a side dish of Resource wars; Probably because they said it was a PvE expansion and this is the token PvP inducing PvE.

As for the PvE presentation..... it lacked PvE (imo). I've waffled and moaned enough for one blog post so I wont' go into more detail.

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