Sunday 8 October 2017

Eve Online....

Day two of the Eve Vegas info is all proving to be quality stuff, the universe improves (for the most part) and moves on.

The Stargates are still coming.

I may bitch and moan about the state of PvE and the way CCP looks at the area but they do have a lot of good work. My blood boils because it means something, by the state of bile in my system over stuff it does show I do love the game.... Can't live with and can't live without.... etc.
The Ship and module balances are progressing and seem all good. Overall that is.... My Alpha v2 perspective is another angle....

The "assault damage control" looks interesting... But I do like a more longer term omni tank rather than a PvP quick defensive boost.

If they do get the 'suggested community fittings' for ships it needs to include a great deal of ship/fit context....

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