Wednesday 4 October 2017


I didnt' manage to get the last voucher so that will be a next time thing. I've been busy checking out the new content. I really like the new Red Alert, in many way's it's a better Kobayashi Maru! While I've always run solo this season is the first where I feel the need to join a fleet/armada. The latest season is a feature packed one. The last part of the Welcome to Season 14 post says it all......

"Season 14 has been an amazing journey for the entire STO development team, and we’ve had an amazing time playtesting it, both internally and with the community on our test shard.  We have Geordi back on an adventure, major reveals in our Tzenkethi Crusade arc, a wide variety of new queued and event based content, the largest fleet holding we’ve ever built, and a brand new primary specialization to give our captains new opportunities to progress. All of this combines into an amazing release that is live now!
Thanks for playing, and I look forward to seeing you in game!"

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