Tuesday 17 October 2017


I've been faffing around with my Romulan character doing some missions and ship upgrades/changes. She is now level 50, just 10 more to go to max out.

I've come to the conclusion that my characters are best in the new trio of T6 Temporal ships I got from the store. It seems a waste to not use them for everything suited. I also realised that my main captains mess about T5-U Meshweaver has the best compatible fit to make that change painless.

My Romulan character will need a little work at 60 to make a fit work but by that time she should be on par with my Klingon captain. I'm not worried about gearing them up really well. It's my more mainstream captains that I'll spend more time/zen/credits on.

With my characters putting most of their dilithium into the exchange to get Zen I was able to get the 250 needed to buy the extra 2 outfit slots.

My Romulan character will finish up a long arc of levelling up my characters.
It's been a long road since the start of the game on my initial run through tactical captain. Getting both 23rd century science and engineering captains was great. After them it was a change of perspective that was needed, hence my Klingon and then Romulan captains.... Whats next?

There is a little level 10 tactical 23rd century captain I created as a (name) placeholder for a previous alien captain I created way back when.... And now that I've got more character slots....
I have options but time will tell; For now I'm not sure. I really should put more time and effort into my top three Federation captains. They are after all my "mains" and with one of each class it makes more sense...
All just ants in an mmo maze....

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