Thursday 12 October 2017


Almost enough Zen to get the extra 4 slot's for characters.

And with the bonus weekend for Dilithium coming, it wont' take long to get get my next target.... Extra uniform slots....

My progress is powering on but the last patch seems to have brought with it an intermittent glitch. A glitch that makes all transwarp movement end up in the Sol system... Not a new thing as it's been broken after patches before but annoying nonetheless when it leaves you further form your destination, having to to 'slow boat' it at normal warp speeds. Thankfully it hasn't happened to me all that much.

For Friday the 13th STO seems to be bringing back an event, more a ghost story this weekend. It's one I've not done before but there are rewards..... Of those I've looked up it may be worth doing the once just for 'Dr. Sibak (clone), a Rare level Ground Advisor'.

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