Wednesday 4 October 2017


With a lack of enthusiasm from both the new guild and the members of the old there is now a certain awkwardness. Like being stuck in a crowd of people you half know waiting for something. With no clear plans for doing the greater content myself and some old guildies have done what we always did, group up and do stuff. Be it alt's in normal dungeons or mains pushing upper end mythics. It's also seen me return to my levelling mage, which has just hit 110.

Equipping stored gear and running some raids/dungeons for AP has seen her upgraded well enough. I cant be bothered to gear her further. I dont' see the point.

Next fun run, next levelling alt, until time runs out. So again I'm glad I didn't pay for more than a month's wow time. I can't see myself extending that gametime, but time will tell.

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