Monday 16 October 2017


I've not checked the challenge updates so dont' know if it's been updated to the next challenge, either way I'm claiming ignorance as bliss.

My 'main' has reached Tier 4 and claimed the El Tio mask. Not much has happened, just a grind to level. I think I have 4 boosters left so I'll use one per level and see hoe I get on but from the other booster I used it only helped for about 50% of the XP to up the tier. Meh, we'll see how that works when I get to it. I've not gone anywhere near the PvP, no surprise there. It's good I just can't face another tier up/classup/grind. Especially one based around PvP. Grind the remainder of the Tier system will be more than enought o fulfill the completiojist in me. Then I'll see about the remainder of the Fallen Ghosts DLC....

To save on me waffling on here are some screenshots:

Road to Tier 4.....

Road to El Tio.....

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