Monday 9 October 2017


I'm slightly confused with my Romulan character. Her currently played sequential journal entries are lower than those her level have made available. This means that there are so many missions/episode story arc's that it's messy to keep track of. Add in the long term Temporal story arc that weaves in and out of other storylines and it's all very muddled. She is level 35, none of my other characters had this problem....
I need to stick to the sequential episodes....
I need to stick to the sequential episodes....

oooooh shiny mission rewards.....

I am enjoying the story lines, there's a lot more personality and characterisation with my Romulan officers as the missions go on and the stories unfold.
There's still a lot of generic, all faction/story line missions, but even my Klingon Captain had fun being holographic D7.

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