Thursday 12 October 2017


Season 4, week 4, another set of challenges with a booster reward. Not a set I'll be doing, it's nothing personal, just like the reward. Even if it was I doubt they would offer such a reward at this stage. Main campaign character's are so behind the curve after 2 DLC's and a PvP expansion.
Imagine the game using one character for all the content....!! Sarcasm aside it was a dumb way to implement DLC.

I really should stop being sarcastic, the game is great overall (imho). It's the fatigue of the tier system that is getting to me, yea that's it. I just want it done but at the same time I don't want to collapse over the finish line.

I'll have to see if I can finish with a little flare....

 .......shoot me.

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