Tuesday 10 October 2017

Eve Online....

delonewolf did a test server run of the new 'resource wars'. I'm still not convinced that it's a worthy addition to the game for gameplay, specifically PvE gamplay.
On a wider note, mining is not PvE.... Industry is it's own thing... right? I may have harped on about that before....
But from what he shows in his video the UI looks great, the map and activity overview is a massively great addition. Nice to see CCP using new tools to add content. It's just that my view on their take on PvE content and what they implement are galaxies apart. The current activity is ripe for ganking not to mention a certain 'anti' miner group who are sure to specifically target this activity; As well as every hi-sec war dec corp dec'ing everything in sight. We all know CCP loves people exploding and having their ships exploded, for me it's always more skewed towards the wolves rather than the sheep. Funny how the empires allow such actions to happen in space. Concord reactionary forces my arse, CCP need to move Concord into it's proper Peace Enforcement role.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, the reward for resource wars seems to be points.... event points for rewards in changing events? There's new empire factions to work for, LP to gain and an LP store to buy from.... Maybe it will be worth it..... More questions than answers at the moment.

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