Tuesday 3 October 2017

ST:D.... WAFFLES!!!!!

Star Trek:Discovery may be a Trek series with a "difference", the first two "Pilot" episodes showed a lot of  'change' and for me at least it showed potential. Potential as in a Battlestar Galactica (2000's version) look and feel kind of way....... But episode 3, the start of the season proper, makes me question my initial reaction from a 'maybe' to a resounding no, no, no.....
It's killed off my interest altogether.

Episode three makes me think the producers have a bad case of cranial rectal inversion....

Time will tell where this is all going....

The only good thing in Discovery that I really do like is character Saru.

Episode 4 of The Orville on the other hand was good fun. A series I'll be watching and spending time on. Different strokes for different strokes.

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