Wednesday 1 May 2019

BF 1....

The bulk of the week saw the end of the 'Back to Basics' theme. I may have not liked it when it arrived but by the end I was missing it. It felt weird to be back using a rifle with a scope.

The week was a massive boost to levelling up and unlocking the last of the pistols. 

My hate of the revolvers remains but I gained respect for the P08. I'll still be sticking to the Hellfighter M1911. It ticks all the reload time/rate of fire boxes for me. 

So this week is back to the usual, levelling as a Scout, as well as the Support. Support to a lesser extent because Scout is more fun overall.

Back to Basics felt like a more rounded match mode. That's not to say there still wasn't chaos and mayhem, there was. Still some one sided matches. But a lot of players using rifles at long range and pistols up close 'felt' better. Not to mention 'right' for a WW1 game. So it's no surprise that the mode also brought with it an increase in bayonet charging and melee combat. I'm looking forward to getting back into the Basics mode when it enters the rotations. 
For me it brought a massive increase in kills with both trip-mine and flare gun. Yea the flare gun. Never thought that would happen.

Back to Basics Part two:

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