Thursday 9 May 2019

Ghost Recon....

While there's a lot more info to come and a heap of questions and answers which bring even more questions for Breakpoint; The overall reveal today was ok. Not fantastic and I'm not as hyped as I was for Wildlands.

Drone's, so many drones. I don't like that at all. The same with the setting and story doesn't do it for me. Smacks too much of a James Bond villain's island.

That trailer.....Nomad looked like he's been bench-pressing a LOT since Bolivia. Amazed he hadn't gone Hulk in his red t-shirt. Wait, wait he has!

I was a bit iffy on the potential for what I was seeing making it more "divisionish" but I've seen more info on actual gameplay which seems to disprove that(maybe, for now). It's a different style over GRW but I'll need more info and time to see what this game really is. 

I really don't like that there are classes. That really does suck. Firefight, wait a sec I need to bivvy up and change my class, rejoin firefight, wait wait wait brb, bivvy up to change to a sniper, restart firefight..... I over exaggerate but class's suck. So much for 'utility'. Is the class system maybe built around more of a co-op angle?! If so they've ruled out this solo player.

The more I think about it the more I'm doubting this game...... Still so many questions.


Well this is disappointing. No A.I. team-mates. The game is going to have to do a lot to get me to buy it after seeing that.

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