Saturday 18 May 2019


I'm still whining and I can't help it. STD content is bringing the worst out in my gameplay and in turn my posting about it. It's proving that the longer the exposure to such content the more peeved off with Discovery I am.

With the last few posts out of the way I've just about gotten over the trauma of STD's new missions.
From watching other playthough's of the second mission(frozen planet), I've seen a wide range of inconsistent mission actions. Waves of insects for me but none or very little with others etc. But the missions are done with and I won't be back. Which leaves me with the daily down to earth nitty gritty; Reputation marks.

Daily runs of the 3 Discovery Task Force Operations (all in space) to gain the reputation marks to run the reputation projects to gain faction reputation in order to gain said reputations store items/talents/ground and space gear etc. etc. etc. Convoluted sounding but simple(enough) in practice, at least for a person who's been in the game a while.

I see nice space set with interesting stats that sound better than my current fit I'll aim for it. I don't do deep theory-craft builds. "Fly casual"may be a different franchise but the sentiment is 100% accurate.

On a side note I saw a player use the new crystal kit module. He put 5 down as an ambush. I don't see that being useful for me, NPC's are rarely ambush-able. When they are I can barley get a turret on the ground before needing to react. But the crystals are very powerful......

The last two days I've run those three TFO's back to back; All went well due to the number of people also doing the same for the marks.

The large numbers of overpowered player ships won't last long as they'll be the first ones to max out all they need. When they do leave it'll be to gain marks in a "better" manner, solo and random queue players will be hard pressed to do things quickly then. Time will tell. I do have to say that these latest TFO's do make a bit of a change from the normal TFO's. At least for me I feel like I'm making a difference as a team member.I think that's due to the mix of enemy NPC ship types allowing for more explosions. Smaller enemy ships always go first, progress is made.

I took the opportunity to get a massive amount of the new free lockbox's and picked up 10 key's from the store with my free monthly Zen. Unlocking them didn't get me much. No ship.

I'd have liked the low low(really looooooooooow) chance of the Discovery Section 31 folding nacelles T6 ship(new name!). It's got a cool look and animation.

I also get some ship weapons and a console from the boxs:

I got a Mk XII version of that beam and a duel phaser array. All of which I don't have a use for.... not right now.

There were also some random holographic 'costumes'..........
As an random surprise, for fun(15 minutes).

I also got the discovery 'vanity' shield which wasn't up to much. A bit too plain of a change for me. I'll be sticking to my old Romulan and Reman shield looks.

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