Monday 20 May 2019

Hitman 2....

Another day another MrFreeze2244 Silent Assassin Suit Only Sniper Assassin all in one run. The dude is pumping them out in spades!

In doing one of my run-throughs following his logic I came across a very excited car!

Running the same path/tactics took me 3 attempts. 1 to get the timings right(third time lucky), 1 to screw up the timings and shoot the main target alerting guards resulting in some therapeutic (for me) bullet spraying(just because). The other was a botched run where I was too close to the first knocked out npc so instead of knocking out the target I broke the neck of the first npc ruining the run. Some clips of the fun at the end of my video.

Anyway 3rd time was lucky; Still a good feeling seeing all those unlocks.

Here's my run:

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