Wednesday 29 May 2019


I really do love Star Trek Online. It's got so much from, every series and then some with the expansion of lore/races/stories; But TFO's. TFO's are killing me here. Task Force Operations in STO are not complex. I've seen broader and harder tactics needed for WoW dungeon runs. Héll even WoW needs a Tank and a Healer where STO has the roles but doesn't need them.

Another waffling rant ahead......

I've stopped doing all 3 Discovery missions for the marks. I've a lot of marks at this stage and the hassle of running more than one is no longer worth it. You only get the bonus marks on the first run after all so why endure more pain for less gain.

I'm bleating on about this (again) because of frustration and disbelief. I can't emphasise this enough. Deep frustration and total disbelief. Is STO so casual as to be idiotville! What does that make me!!!!!!!

I'm not an OP player. I'm using a 'free' event ship and mission reward gear. I've purchased gear off the exchange and market and upgraded them all with my own gathered materials. I do't use the C-Store ships I've got. I don't belong to a fleet for fleet modules/ships etc. I'm a casual STO player. Why am I out DPS'ing players with better ships/gear. How can so many players be clueless about new content when everyone is doing the new content as soon as it comes out! It's been out for a while, they should know!

I don't get why they don't get it!

Today I got Operation Riposte as my first Discovery TFO of the day. Day 9999.9 in héll. You guessed it I've had another shining example of the 'current state of play'.

With the extended down time I would have thought there was gonna be a good mix of players, but no. No there wasn't. It would seem the talent today sank further.

Planet stage, I'm destroying missiles when I'm joined by another player, who keeps darting between missiles as I blow them up. Fine he wants the job so bad he can have it, no point in two of us doing the missiles. I go to help defend the transports. 30 seconds later a transport gets destroyed by a missile. I looking back at the planet and there's 6 missiles homing in. Players eye's were bigger than his belly and couldn't handle the task. Myself and another player turned and 'helped'. It's a learning process right, sure.

Klingon transports are fleeing, I take up my usual position and turn myself into a stationary turret to obliterate the incoming waves if ships. Everyone is flying around but none are tractoring the transports and moving them back to the Federation line. No problem, I'll do it. First time I've had to tractor a transport and still attack/defend myself in route. What should I have expected! It's a learning process, sure.
I turn around after dropping off the transport and there's 25-30 Klingon ships and a shít ton of transports just sitting in space.....So the group can't kill the npc's and won't tractor them in. FFS!

I should have just gone AFK. Why bother with anything. Maybe I should take a shítty no geared alt in a C-Store ship and fúck about in TFO's.... 'For the fun'. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Anyway we got passed that but a príck kept using a repulse setup on the last dreadnbought 'boss'; Which meant he kept pushing the boss out of everyone's weapon range. Fúcking repulse ray, as if there wasn't enough of a problem getting DPS onto the target as it was.

The sooner I'm done with the rep the better.

Just another day......

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