Friday 3 May 2019


The progress for the remaining TFO project is almost done. Once it is I'll have the option to do the daily TFO and claim the 1 token project, mainly for the Dilithium. Which is a nice earner.

This weekend also sees the return of the Phoenix prize packs. I took a look to see what was new, there's usually something small. I wasn't disappointed, in fact I was surprised. Ship emotes. I never knew ship emotes were in the game. So I did a search and was very surprised to see that they were a holiday event store item and had been in game for years! I've never seen anyone use them!
Further info on them shows that most players say they are rubbish..... I thought they were cool! In many games there's voice comms but most never use it; Emotes are the only way to communicate but most games have only 'silly' emotes. STO is no different but character emotes can't be used in space as a spaceship. These ship emotes allow for the basics! Why would that be a bad thing since no one even writes text!
But.....But.....But there's even a Rock, Paper, Scissors emote game!

Well whatever the general in game consensus on their use I spent some time and claimed the emotes on all my characters (bar the 3 under 10's). 

There was also two admiralty ships that could be claimed and I did so again on all characters (bar the under 10's again).

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