Wednesday 29 May 2019

Two Point Hospital....

I'd like to say I'm slowly progressing through the hospital because I'm retrying tactics. That is true, in a way but the real reason is that I keep jumping around different hospitals. Getting stuck then moving on to another, rinse and repeat. So it's quick tactics then failure then delay then wait and moving on. 

The longest amount of time I've put into the game recently has been to do with the group content. 

Going into the game it shows which extra content you have installed. I admit it made me feel guilty that I'd gotten the content and yet rarely play them. Except for the golden toilets. All the hospitals needed that upgrade!

So I hopped back into the second of the Big Foot hospitals to give it a 'real' try. Glad to say it took some time but I got there in the end. Unlike most other hospitals I seem to do much better on ones that are research based. As research can be carried over across multiple hospitals, it's not quiet gaming the game. But it feels good!. Research an item to 99% at your massive searcher lab and finish that last 1% off on your current map. Every bit helps. 

My previous map for research had been Mitton University. Unfortunately I'd run it into the ground since getting the 3 stars so could no longer abuse it for research. I thought I'd be able to go back and save it but it looks like I can't. Trying to go back in the game only prompts if I wanted to restart the map. No thanks, it's done! 

So I'm very happy to have Swelbard as my new (and improved) research centre! A profitable and "good" 3 star hospital!!

As for the next challenge... I don't know...... I can tell already the last of the Yeti DLC won't be so kind.

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