Saturday 4 May 2019

Eve Online....

So CCP's tweet for the next expansion is of note; The main article:'invasion'-expansion-unleashes-the-might-of-the-triglavians

With a lack of real details I'm gonna bítch about this expansion news.

Defending the universe against a new enemy sounds like CCP are trying third time lucky with this idea. Sansha Incursions then the Drifters and now the Triglavian Offensive. Give it a rest CCP.

All this talk of being part of history and watching it unfold, being a part of it etc. etc. Has always been a load of bóllox. All the past stuff just fizzles out. If the Triglavians are the new 'Drifter' menace and do actually invade. Actively harassing all of New Eden in a 'Burn Jita' kind of way. Well.... That's just another reason to not log on. This expansion can't be all things to all players. So if CCP forces this on players they will loose logins.

Read about expansion, insert eyeroll.

More Muliplasmid modules!! Really CCP. Balance what you have first rather than adding the randomisation shít......

That promo art looks on point, good work as always art department.

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