Friday 24 May 2019

Original Xbox....

Sometimes ze sheet hits the fan. A few sessions into my nostalgic retro blast from the past on my original Xbox it stopped working (original Xbox original red ring). The error seems to be more to do with the DVD drive rather than the hard drive. I'm grateful for that but I wish I'd received an Xbox to USB cable a day earlier. I've had to manually eject the drive and try cleaning etc but it 'sounds' like it's internal laser/mechanism is screwed(technical term). I'm disappointed and a little annoyed, when I'm like that I know better than to whip out the screw drivers straight away. I backed away from it which has given time for the games I ordered to arrive.

It proved to be easier than I expected to source the games I mentioned in my last (original)XBox post. All from one site which covers second hand stores around the country. So with potential new game experience in one hand and a broken Xbox in the other I really was in a mixed mood.

I noticed yesterday that two more games I had my eye on had "come into stock". Ninja Gaiden Black and DoA Xtreme Beach Volleyball. Ninja Gaiden because it's supposed to be 'that' good & XBV because it was supposed to be 'that' silly  -   yet 'good'. Plus I'm a DaO fan. Anyway a search by store revealed that they were in my local one! Someone local to me obviously unloaded a bunch of their original Xbox stuffz. Which included a load of OG Xbox games inc. those two and a crystal Xbox.  A newer (by release year) as if to answer my woes!? Well the jackpot noise popped into my head. So last night I picked up both games and the Xbox(better safe than sorry).

The console's in good shape, some marks and dust but after a good clean it was pristine. The cables were all in good shape, composite/phono to scart connector was even the original branded version. The controller on the other hand has seen better day's. Some screws missing and both thumb pads look like they cracked (about a third) and broke off. But as I have the other Duke controllers from my original original console I'm ok with that. The other S controller I have does not work fully so I may start trading parts/screws and see how that goes but I'm not pushed about it.

All the games are in excellent shape as well. The HobbitBrute ForceMechassault 2Robotech BattlecrySplinter Cell: Double AgentNinja Gaiden Black and DoA Xtreme Beach Volleyball; As second (or third) hand goes I count myself lucky(again); All bar one have their full documentation, even down to the extra insert/cards.

I've noticed that since my Xbox 360 red ring fix and the controller 'thing'/'incident'; I've not been as gung-ho rip it apart and fix it as I usually am. Bought my way out of this problem for sure. Which seems to be a trend. All in, the seven games and the console(with power/AV component cables & crystal controller) came to €100.50(including postage and packing). Not bad for a retro haul in good condition. Especially for getting games I'd wish I'd bought back in the day.

It would be nice to get my old saves from my original but if I can't..... I'm not pushed. Also a mood/tone that's not like me. Must be the weather or something.......

Once I've had a good blast through the games I'll do up another post....

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