Sunday 5 May 2019


Today saw the last daily TFO run needed to complete the remaining project. It's been on the list for a while, maybe two 'events' ago....

Done for the sake of it. I've no idea how the console kit could fit in with the setup of my current mains. Maybe an option for a future build.

The extra Dilithium and rep marks don't hurt either.

The last few day's of running the 'Task Force operation'  has let me see a lot of overpowered ships. Players that are really into the game and really know what they are doing. Hot knife through butter would be a good analogy. True I'm jealous of their effectiveness. Maybe not enough to get my áss in gear to learn and put in the effort but nice to see all the same. Maybe it's just timing or luck but most of their ship builds seem to be cannon based. Very impressive amounts of fire.

I think I've an alt who uses cannons, I might check and take that character for a spin; Upgrade what I can and scratch my new cannon itch.... For now.....

Speaking of top notch..... The new reputation looks interesting:
The two new space sets have nice stat's and bonus's. The Ingenuity and Ambition sets look to compliment a ship well. Might be worth the effort to get....

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