Monday 27 May 2019

STO.... WoW.... Everything in between....

No idea where I'm going with this but I'm gonna waffle for a bit..... Lots and lots of waffle!

My recent experience running the three Discovery based Task Force Operations has me thinking a lot about the similarities between STO's TFO's and World of Warcraft's dungeon running. From a PUG point of view.

Players with no knowledge of a run but gear can brute force content. Both games are forgiving from that angle. High DPS players can balance out their opposites, those with the knowledge but not the gear.

Knowledge may lead the way but DPS is progress.

Both games also share the normality of joining a group, not talking, doing the content and then leaving. Noting inherently too bad about that, slight social disassociation maybe but what you don't know about your not going to miss. In some ways maybe it's a blessing in disguise!

Till recently I've always thought of the STO random groups as being more civil to each other than other MMO's. I've never really had many run in's with players in either STO or WoW; But there now seems to be that overly loud 1% bemoaning a groups lack of 'better' DPS etc.. Maybe it's kind of inevitable no matter the game involved. It only takes one(ásshole) with a chip on the shoulder after all....
This also got me thinking about the upcoming Vanilla WoW. Players used to the pull everything'n'dps it all down day's will be frustrated by Vanilla WoW. Although the last expansion did change things requiring groups to think and have knowledge before running in. But doing dungeons in vanilla meant knowing more, watching your aggro was a must. Tanks didn't manage your aggro, it's where the "real" 'you pull it you tank it' comes from. I can foresee a lot of newer to Vanilla/classic WoW players being frustrated fast. That's especially true for healers. I remember playing a priest healer in vanilla and while bubbles and heals are great, heals over time can cause mounting aggro in a long battle. So leaving your group at 50% health instead of 100% was a viable tactic. You do that these day's and you'd be called all the expletive names under the sun for your lack of over healing.

With WoW classic coming up it's been interesting to see how many people are oozing nostalgia!
Small interactions meant more in Vanilla WoW. Looking through old screenies I came across a great example. Low level dungeon running; Even as a low level healer it was nice to be appreciated.

I don't think I've ever seen PUG groups thank a healer (Or tank) since way back when.... Real social networking!!

It was more apparent in the PvP circles where you knew your enemy. We all lived on the same server. It meant more. I've gone fishing and emoted with a PvP rival between battlegrounds!

Sudden memory of actually using a wand as an offensive ability..... .whhhhhooooooohhhh.

I also found a cool little moment of my first character with a friend, quest teamwork ftw! Unleash the nostalgia floodgates!

Anyway back to STO. In practice for players like me who are between the OP and the clueless, who does well but still gets blamed for not being O.P. enough. Yet also gets gg's from the not so geared. It's all confusing. All fine lines and grey areas. All unspoken. You have to be very adaptable to the current group and the situation they are in. STO lacks the little moments beyond generic GG's, at least for me these day's.

There used to be a great community atmosphere within holiday event areas (Winter/Summer) but it's declined so much as well.

Random WoW groups working well together may move on and do another dungeon, that's never been a thing in STO. Everyone just bails at the end regardless. 

One of the Operations from the Age of Discovery in particular is apt in seeing player knowledge. Operation Reposte; There are a few stages where you need to reposition in order to progress. It's obvious when a group doesn't move to the next location. Either they don't care or they are clueless. My hope during that time is that players learn. But there seems to be more clueless people every TFO! This TFO has been out for a while. It's been featured as a 'highlighted event', it's tactics should be known. Then again there have been so many OP groups maybe they were all carried more than anything. Ignorance of the tactics in this TFO are compounded when the transport escort stage begins. These need to be defended against waves of enemies in multiple locations and people with no knowledge just wander about and engaging aimlessly. Never mind them ignoring the anti ship missiles from the planet. I love that stage, so many moving parts, but with clueless players it's hard work to keep it all afloat. And I'm no OP player!

Anyway. Depending on the level of the group I'll usually take the missiles. It's a part of the run that makes a player more blinkered to whats happening (above)elsewhere. I've found myself doing a 100% great job in destroy missiles yet hear "transport has been destroyed". And I'm guilty of my initial reaction "Noobs". I'm part of the problem, I don't want to step up as a leader because herding cats isn't worth it if you can DPS through the content, collect reward and leave. Which is what I've done. Whats the answer? I've no clue but as long as I can get a heap of marks and run my reputation gains I'll tolerate the 'lesser' runs and enjoy the OP ones.

STO players on the mid to lower end of the DPS scale tend to fade faster and sometimes not even put in any effort. Once they get killed they don't respawn, just wait AFK. Things like that are also on the rise.

Mention anything and players take offence even if you are in the right and say so. Drama!

Speaking of Drama. Local chat on Earth Spacedock is almost like city chat in Stormwind or Orgrimmar these day's. Some of those conversations! It had always been a helpful community chat. Yet it's easy to see the backstabbing and 'leetism' seeping in.

Maybe I do need to be vocal. Take charge etc. But I shrink away from it. It's not just about herding cats, in practice I don't want the hassle of dealing with players who have the potential to be ássholes to me. I could start by being vocal to those that are showing effort.... Maybe.... Ignorance has been bliss but the pot is boiling over now and actions are speaking louder....

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