Wednesday 29 May 2019

Eve Online....

In an off the cuff manner I hopped on my main last night; Just to gather up remnants of rewards/holiday gifts from alts. It wasn't till I saw his way-point jump path showing a new icon that made me think 'is that the new encounter!'

Yep, upside down triangles instead of squares on the jump path mean they are controlled by the Triglavians. I was 20 jumps from home. One path had 5 Triglavian systems and another had 3 in the way. Both paths had items on the other side I wanted to gather.

I chanced the shorter side first. Luck was with me, I didn't see a single Triglavian till the last stargate out of the systems, frigates and a cruiser. All already engaged by players.

Once I'd picked up what I needed I set course the other way. This time 5 systems were under their control. I felt like I was pushing my luck. I don't know how they prioritize targets but I wasn't taking a chance. I flew to the system before Triglavian control and offloaded my cargo and fit off and jumped the 5 systems. OnceI jumped in I saw lot more action going on. At the gates in and out of each system and I could glimpse red markers as I passed by in warp. It reminded me of Nullsec when a large fleet is making trouble. I felt my heart rate go up. This clone, like the pilot in the trailer had a full set of implants. Do they tackle ships(web/scram)? Do they do volley damage? Lots of questions (could they use warp bubbles in hi-sec?) but I pushed through. And like in Nullsec, as I jumped thought and came face to face with reds I took the best moment in 30 seconds and clicked warp while clenching. It's not that I couldn't afford the loss, it's more about getting away with it no matter how slight the chance of getting caught might be.

I like the changes to the system description into Predator like symbols in Triglavian space.

With chances mitigated and taken I've collected all I want so I'm left with a choice. Thinking of fly a full cargo-hold through 3 systems that are potentially deadly..... I'll stay docked up till the storm passes. Checking again today things are still 'blocked'. time to alt hop!

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