Thursday 2 May 2019

Eve Online....

Today is the first of the 16 days of gifts for the 16th anniversary of Eve Online. I could spend days bitching and moaning about Eve, CCP, gifts and the hole in my soul where my mystery code(s) sink ever deeper in sadness, disappointment, betrayal and despair! Etc... But I'll keep it civil.

The 16 days of gifts are visible from the character select screen claim window. Which is nice to see and anticipate what I want from the Omega gifts that are sure to flood the market. Boosters and the like will be sold at a massive price but I'm not interested in them. I will be 'potentially' interested in the SKINs and collectibles.

Today saw the Alpha characters get the T-shirts. Collectibles never to be worn, kind of(Alpha's?).
The Omega's got a free Gnosis with an anniversary skin for it. The ship would be nice to get but I've got lots already. The SKIN is not a good one. It sucks. I can't wait to see how low it gets on the market when everyone decides to sell sell sell.

So for the Omega gifts I'll be interested in seeing, day 3 Myrmidon SKIN, I'm iffy on day 5 Sunesis SKIN after seeing the Gnosis version, day 7 Rokh SKIN, day 9 drake SKIN, day 10 Praxis SKIN, day 11 & 15 face augments.

I might wait a day or two for the SKIN supply and price to level. It may be a cased of getting an 'ok' SKIN at a good price. The face augments will be sought after so price will be high but it'll depend on the sellers and the overall market to see for sure.

Days 1 to 5:

Days 5 to 9:

Day 9 to 13:

Day 12 to 16:

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