Thursday 16 May 2019


In thinking about the new Discovery 'era' mission experience yesterday there was one more thing that was 'off' to me.

The missions from the admiral were given as being a simulation.

Simulations are done on the Holodeck. So why do I have to take my actual ship to the actual location to then carry out a simulation.

I get to go to the holodeck on other missions, why not this one....?
Why to I have to spend time and energy to go to the actual location in space....?
Yes I can trans-warp there instantaneously but still....

Why is Discovery's lack of a proper holodeck in the 'past' screwing with my holodeck hundreds of years in the future?
Sloppy writing?
Lack/break of continuity?

With so many missions being simulations in the game I'm starting to feel like a crash test dummy!

STD writers on the game side now?
Game writers for the new Picard series?

If every room on Discovery is a holodeck, is Discovery a simulation.

*Delete Program*
*Delete Program!!!!*

Discovery is like a blot of ink on a page with an immaculately calligraphic written poem; The poem itself may not be the best prose but it's a sight better to look at than the blob. That blob, that's still spreading across the page, blotting out the good with the not so....

Haters gotta hate. Why do I 'dislike' Discovery? Because it's the lesser son of greater sires. IMHO.

I get where Discovery fans come from(I can appreciate classical music but I prefer to listen to Rammstein).

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